Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ru guo zhe shi ai qing..

张靓颖 - 如果这就是爱情 你做了选择 对的错的 我只能承认 心是痛的 怀疑你捨得 我被伤的那麼深 就放声哭了 何必再强忍 我没有选择 我不再完整 原来最后的吻 如此冰冷 你只能默认 我要被割捨 眼看著 你走了 如果这不是结局 如果我还爱你 如果我愿相信 你就是唯一 如果你听到这里 如果你依然放弃 那这就是爱情 我难以抗拒 如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平 你不需要讲理 我可以离去 如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你 那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你 灰色的天空 无法猜透 多餘的眼泪 无法挽留 什麼都牵动 感觉真的好脆弱 被呵护的人 原来不是我 我不要你走 我不想放手 却又不能够奢求 同情的温柔 你可以自由 我愿意承受 把昨天 留给我 如果这不是结局 如果我还爱你 如果我愿相信 你就是唯一 如果你听到这里 如果你依然放弃 那这就是爱情 我难以抗拒 如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平 你不需要讲理 我可以离去 如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你 那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你 如果这就是爱情 本来就不公平 你不需要讲理 我可以离去 如果我成全了你 如果我能祝福你 那不是我看清 是我证明 我爱你........

Friday, May 28, 2010


haiz.....stil gt many my story in my phone note...if u wan noe come in my phone and c ba..lazy write n not in the mood...bye...bao bei CHAN HUI YING~! I WILL LOVE U~!!!MUACKS~!


haiz...hen duo tian lerh...wo dou zai hen tong ku li...bu dong ge ma,...wo de bao bei hen xiang hen hen wo...T_T...wo zai zhe ji tian li wo de shen ti yi jing hen lei hen lei le..hai you wo xian zai de shou hen tong ying wei wo yi zhi tang dao wo zhe ji de shou...dang shaosao bao huo zai shou mian shi hou wo yi zhi zai xiang ni..wo ye you hen duo chi shou chuo qian bei lao ban ma dao ban tiao ming jiang..wo mei tian dou hen xiang hen xiang ni shi ni bu dong..haiz...dan wei she me ni hai yao jiang lai shang hai wo...?rang wo kai xin xia dou bu neng mah?...wo yi zhi zai xiang zhe me yang de qu zao ni...xiang lai xiang qu dou xiang bu dao...wo yi shi xiang dao wo de pi qi dou chou lerh,,zui jing wo de pi qi zen de you dian chou lerh...ying wei wo zai hen fan er qie zai hen pa...yie hen lei...wo xian zao wo zhe ji de shen ti yi jing bei wo shang dian yen zong...mei chi dang wo hui jia de shi hou wo dou hen xiang qu ni de jia shi bu neng,..T_T...mei chi dang woo zao qu shui jiao shi..dou hui xiang ni xiang dao yi ge ren ku chu lai le...T_T...wo zen de hen xin ku aa...bao bei...wo yao kai xin xia dou nan you xiang guo ru guo ming tian wo qu shi lee...zhe me ban..?wo she me dou hai mei zuo...jiu shi jiang zhi qu hui an xin mah..?ru guo ni an xin...bu yong shi wo yao gao shu ni..wo bu an xin de qu...ying wei wo bu shi wei le yao zuo...zzhe shi bu she de ni....haiz...dis msg i ad write 4 so my phone note coz i noe i less use comp ad...T_T

Thursday, April 22, 2010


haiz...lao po...i now reli reli hen fann..T_T..dono wat happen....haiz...tell u true at here la..i ad do my last decision is....2 work..coz my family nid use some money...n nw i ad no go skul bout 3 week lerh..T_T..wo zen de hen pa..hen pa...coz i scare reli will lost u lerh..lao po aa....u also noe dis few day i like other ppl ryte.?coz i now reli hen fan n hen pa hen pa....i noe u so love me...but ur family are not..coz i'm not a gud guy in here~...i noe u so so so love me...if ur parents not like me i also a not use person...T_T...i noe they will say i'm not a gud boy coz gt school also dwn go..stil wan come out workk..haiz...lao po aaa....i now reli hen fan n hen pa arggg..T_T..dis few days tell u true la..i onli slip few hours..T_T..coz my brain always tink hw hw hw hw..T_T....nw my panda eye grow more big d..T_T..i next week jiu qu training lerh...bout 1week...haiz...i reli dono wat 2 do now..zen de hen white hair also come a few d..i so i so tired errr.....lao po er...i reli dwn lost u...coz last time u told me b4...ur bro not so like ppl hu no study de....i so scare...i noe ur parents also de..u love me bt they i noe they will reject us..T_T...i reli so scare er...T_T..haiz...HoPe dat dis SATURDAY o SUNDAY can C u larh..coz next time v reli so hard 2 c each other off day is just 1 month 2 days...haiz...i also hope dat u don always go out o anywhr la...coz gt anything i not thr i reli so worry...i reli so worry bout u aaaa bao bei...y wen u say u wan go gai gai wit ur fren o wat i will bu shuang mah...??coz i reli so worry bout u...i dwn u in any trouble...i just want 2 noe...if ur parents not let us 2gether hw..??i noe i'm reli goin crazy n will die soo...u i dono..?T_T...haiz...i now also dono wat can i write i gt so many thing write bt i write bu chu lai...hen xiang T_T...everyday i at my bed my tears will drop de..haiz....

Monday, April 12, 2010


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono..n i reli reli mei you yong...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO BEI LAO PO ELISE CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER~~!!...MUACKS~!!..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..tell u true la...everytime wen my phone goin exp o goin no hearts wil so FAN n pain..coz...many time i have used my eat de money 2 reload coz wo jue de hen you yong dui wo lai shuo..even noe i no money 2 eat bt nvm..i go back sometime dinner eat maggi..T_T..o sometimes i wait until my mum back onli i eat..i have many time also like nvm is zhi de..wei le ni wo she me dou neng zuo...MUACKS~!!


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO CEI LAO PO CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER...MUACKS..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO CEI LAO PO CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER...MUACKS..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..

Saturday, January 30, 2010


hahaX...ytd was 30/1 i wen out me my bou bui lou po~hahX..goin 2 n t.square..hahaX..i was so happi dat i can come out wit her till my leg goin broke soon..HahahaX..
YeaH~!!i have gt her 1st F.Kiss XDDDDD~!!i was so happi coz everytime i go out wit her i have another smile back~!!hahahaX...n i ad gt her monkey~!! my ph..wen back dat time i look at dat monkey n sendiri laugh my fren say me sot de..>.< ..sienx liao lorh..hahax..
hmmm...ytd wen she wen back dat time was raining n i was so worry dat she will sick n dat way is wet...wen she walk away dat time my hearts was so BU SHE DE...n hen xiang pull her back there~dwn giv her go away nerh..>.<>
hahaX..wen i back dat time i also not yt back hme de...ben lai wan go fren de party de but so sien den dwn nurh,,den go snker centre..heheX XP..dat time at bus was so cold lurh..cold dao like at snow world like dat..hahax...
hmmm.....skip skip skip~!!!hahahahaX...sien dao dono wan write wat jorr..>.<
I Love U forever n eVer my BaO Bei lAo Po EliSe ChaN HuI YinG~!!!miss u so muchhhhhhhh~~!!!!!!!muackx MuackX MuAckX MuackX MUackX MuackX muackX muackX~!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


hahaX..just now say my lao po de blog so touching...>.<...
hhmmm...anyway i just love u forever...i'm not say u r my heart was so worry ni...everytime wen u say gt ppl msg u my heart will feel wan find some ppl beat till his head burst~!!...hmmm...just saw her blog dat she say dat terbalik nw she no mood..T_T..haiz...make me also no mood jor..T_T...hmmm...i also will scare i will loss her to0..hahaX..anyway nvm..i just wan u 2 b more happy den can ad..^^ hhmmm....i just stop here ba..still gt many thing i wanna write but my head nw was so fan..hahaX...nvmm.. it's ok..don worry bout me ya bou bui lou po....muacks~! u foreVer n eVer ELISE CHAN HUI YIN~~!!!...muackx muackx mauckx~!!!love u~!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Haiz..have a sad tears reli reli drop out lerh...T_T..2day i have interview wit 1 job dat is sell rou's comfirm 2 do ad...dis work is my mum jie shao de...coz i have told my mum b4 i dwn 2 study lerh..i reli wan come out find some job 2 do..cox our family financial reli have a wen i go out wit my lou po i also will tink hw 2 gt my money at tis momment~T_T..dis sat my lao po col me go 2 sungai wang 2 buy her new year shirt bt i reli wanted 2 go but it's hard 4 me coz dis work is start on thursday o friday..T_T..i reli very very miss her lerhh...n 1 more ting is i wanted 2 tel my lao po bt i dono hw 2 say come out..i reli reli very scare dat wen i say out she will dwn me she will angry me she will mad me 4ever n i not so wan 2 go skul ad coz tell u true here larh..i ad 1 week din go skul sorry 4 tel de lies..~~!!T_T..hope u will fgive me pls..T_T..coz in my heart i reli dwn u lost in my heart u r the only 1 hu can make me cry,make me smile,make me 2 disiplin my self..T_T..all u say de ting i all also gt did bt 1 ting is i very sory dat i din go skul 4 1 week ad also lie u say gt go..T_T...i reli hard 2 forgive myselfT_T...i'm now T_T my hearts nw r very very pain..T_T..coz in last year i also not so wan 2 go skul ad de..T_T...every night i will tink wan tell her o not..??bt i reli cant type out sent 2 her...i write in here is coz i dwn so hurt her n i dwn she so fast noe..T_T...i very worry bout u bao bei if u gt anything hw m i goin 2 solve it..n i always tink if 1 day u not in my hearts i wil hw..say true i wont dwn u is i reli scare u will dwn me coz i have many thing yt i din tell u..T_T..if i tell i noe u now also dwn me ad don say 2mr...T_T..haihz...lao po arghhh very i'm in fan bout dis work..tell u here my money site i reli cant do so much ting 4 my hearts there are reli many many many ting dat i can do 2 u...u say wat i do wat..T_T...u just say u wan me hw...T_T.....if i do dis work i have so less off day i very miss u....1month he say onli 2 days off..T_T..wat can i do....

n i just wanted 2 noe if 1 day i have giv skul buang would u stil wan b wit me..T_T..i'm now very very worry n scare of dis ting..T_T..tell u here my life n my heart will never CHANGE always is u..ELISE CHAN HUI YING I LOVE U SO MUCH..PLS DON LEAVE ME ALONE..T_T wit u my hearts was true...T_T in moodless n so sad..T_T..just end here ba..~~ LOVE U 4EVER N EVER my Bao Bei Lao Po ELISE CHAN HUI YING~~MISS U~MUACKX~~muackX muackX muackX muackX muackX mauckX uackX muackX~~~!!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


hahahahaX...hmm....y i so in her HU can TELL me >.<...i'm goin crazy soon....T_T..n y i so miss her..???y without her 1 day my heart will feel lonely,crazy,sot sot, n many many more...y 1 day it just pass like 1 years..???? hahahahaX.....haizzz...i reli so miss her lerhh...T_T...y i so love her..? can tell me hw..???...hmm..tell u here la..n i don wan 2 post it out cox is my secret...i would tell u without u i will DIE,without u my hearts was crazy,without u i do everyting also not in the nvm la..i noe zong you yi tian v will meet n c each other..^^..hahaX...

lazy write nerhh..xPP...ends here ba....>.<

Rmb i wil love u in every minutes,every second n everydays...hahaX...miSs u so mucH~love u 4ever~MuacKS~!!!!xPPPP

Sunday, January 10, 2010


haix..hahaX...anywhr~~ new has come old has gone~!!!hahaX..happY~!!^^...

hm...rourou sry 4 telling dis...i ad admit v so long has finish...coz i had found 1 ppl dat hu i reli reli in love with her 4 so long zhi bu guo hard 2 say out..n ur ways with me r so not inlike so i would choose 2 leave...coz i noe u love GOD more than me so i will appreciate u wit me~n thx 4 being mine~>< anywhr v also can b a best fren de..if u wan..?

so...2day i wit her come out i was so happy with her n more happier with anothr fren dono y..??hu can tell me..??i m reli very blur bout it...dis gurl b4 i wit her i last time ad wanna kao her bt she cpl bak wit t.y at last she was break agn i was at last she was admit she luv dat day i was also shocked~>< at last i also admited wit her 2gether coz i was tinked she is a person dat so strong in love so i can admit dat i'm also so i HOPE dat v 2gether will have a good way~n many good tings more.^^ HOPE she will forgive if i done anything wrong~~...T_T

so i wil ends here tired 2mr stil school T_T haiz lazy nerhx..xP..i love u so MUCH~!!^^miss u~!

Friday, January 1, 2010


hmmmmmm...hahaX..haPpY nEw yeaR~~!!new has come old has gone~!! muahahax..xD

sien 31/12 i cnt go 2 count down coz bz..T_T...everyone are sms me ask me whr u i din reply dao..hahaX...coz bout 13 nvm i at last also gt go larh..hahaX,,,i go at something 1am gua..hahaX..i ben lai wan go back jor gehh..coz my kai mui go back ad..T_T;..hahaX..den nvm lorh...i wan go back d den..kshing msg me col me go..hahax...den i onli i wil go lurhh...tell u true la..if kshing din col me i ad at hse sliping ad lurh..hahaX..blekS...skip skip skip.~~~xPPP...

hmmm...wen 1/1 tis day,...hahaX...ben lai i reli so tired jor geh..dwn come out kshing msg me agn..hahaX...say go summit wacth movie wor...hahaX...den nvm lurh..wake up go lurhh...skipskipskip~~~xPPP...

hahahahxXD...sti gt many more story de bt lazy write nerh..hahaX,,,bleks..XPP..ask me if wan story of 2day end here you~!!XPP