Saturday, January 30, 2010


hahaX...ytd was 30/1 i wen out me my bou bui lou po~hahX..goin 2 n t.square..hahaX..i was so happi dat i can come out wit her till my leg goin broke soon..HahahaX..
YeaH~!!i have gt her 1st F.Kiss XDDDDD~!!i was so happi coz everytime i go out wit her i have another smile back~!!hahahaX...n i ad gt her monkey~!! my ph..wen back dat time i look at dat monkey n sendiri laugh my fren say me sot de..>.< ..sienx liao lorh..hahax..
hmmm...ytd wen she wen back dat time was raining n i was so worry dat she will sick n dat way is wet...wen she walk away dat time my hearts was so BU SHE DE...n hen xiang pull her back there~dwn giv her go away nerh..>.<>
hahaX..wen i back dat time i also not yt back hme de...ben lai wan go fren de party de but so sien den dwn nurh,,den go snker centre..heheX XP..dat time at bus was so cold lurh..cold dao like at snow world like dat..hahax...
hmmm.....skip skip skip~!!!hahahahaX...sien dao dono wan write wat jorr..>.<
I Love U forever n eVer my BaO Bei lAo Po EliSe ChaN HuI YinG~!!!miss u so muchhhhhhhh~~!!!!!!!muackx MuackX MuAckX MuackX MUackX MuackX muackX muackX~!!!!