Sunday, August 23, 2009


haizzzz.....2day dono wat hapen...hao ren mei you hao bao arrrr.......2day i just receive a msg from my jb fren dat tel me dat my kshing giv ppl buli n giv ppl kacau at phone~....haiz....i just wanted 2 noe da truth bt she dwn tel hw i do..zzz wat i nid 2 do..~~~haih...i just col me fren help me 2 c him don giv him do just nw went i tel her i wil col my fren n jaga him...den she angry dao..~~~~coz i have no other hw 2 help u up~~coz i am at k.l not at j.b so i cant do anything...just nw went i col her she just say lie 2 me,..~~after i close my pH~~~few second~~my tears drop~automatically~~i say 2 my self i just wanted 2 help u bt y u angry 2 me..~~haih...i have no other ways onli i like dat told u..~i tel my self if i have other ways i sure tel u earlier~~she tel me dat,~~did u mean i with da boy~~??~~den i said not dat mean....i onli wana 2 help u 2 make u more hapi~~den few minutes she reply dat~~~i dwn sms u anymore!~~~den my eyes automatically agn~~hw just tel my bro tat i dowan sms d..~~u take it back...~~i don wan sms d~~dat time i was T_T-ing~~my bro ask wat hapen i say ntg~~he always ask...i just wat can i do is..~~i just take my frenster song 2 cover my tears..~!!T_T~~tel u here..~~i so hard ni can borrow da phone from my bro d..~~so i wil less sms her..~~tel u here went i borrow phone also quarrel come d..~~~so everyday i sms her also will b at nite~~haih..~~i think dats al..coz no mood 2 write so much d...~~sry~~