Saturday, September 19, 2009

haiz...19/9 long i din come update my blog liao....anyway sry~!!!!!

coz my mood is so so so so bad~!!!!!from august holiday til now..~!!!!!
my heart reli reli broked up~!!!coz at my life i onli wan is 3 tings ~!!!!!hu noe..???

1:My GOD~!!!
2:Is mY Kae ShiNg~!!!!
3:iS My FamIlY~!!!!

i was very very sad bcoz....from dat day onwards my kae shing has change alot from his lifE....from i noe heer til nw she is not like dat wan...but dono y sunddenlly~!!! my heart is reli hard 2 'mian dui' tmr~!!!! my heart go whr also wil tink bout kae shing argGhghghHh.....haiz............KAE SHING I JUST WANT U 2 NOE DAT I M STIL LOVE U~!!!!!DON LEAVE ME ALONE I WIL VERY VERY i m TIRED of crying in al my days..~!!!!!even noe i went 2 genting 4 few time but i noe dat u al wil think me at thr is very very hapi n enjoy~!!! but tel u al here IS NO~!!!coz every ting dat i play i wil also wil think bout heart now is very very 'dan xin' my kae shing coz i reli dowan her go in a wrong ways i reli wan her 2 noe dat wat is good n wat is bad u al here every day went i at my bed o whr tears are dropping til cant stop..~!!!even noe went i pass by usj8 my tears wil also automatically drop..~!!! i tel my self dat don so stupid but i also dono wat hapen 2 me.....haiz...i have no mood 2 wirte so many thing coz i'm T_T-ing...ssry~!!! i just wan 2 say is I LOVE U MY SING KAE SHING~!!!!!N I MISS U SO MUCH~!!!T_T

i reli wanna tel her dat is.~~!! if no reason n u cant say it face 2 face...i wont threat this ting is TRUE~!!u noe dat..?? dis ting i reli wanna tel her but i dono went i can c her n we can talk in 1 by 1..~!!i reli nid 2 noe the truth...wat hapen u bcome like dis n y u sunddenlly chg alot..~!! haiz...i was reli reli hard 2 face 2mr n 4ever.~!!!T_T...