Tuesday, December 29, 2009


hmm..hahaX..hi all guys n gurls..xPP...sory orhh...coz so long din come write blog lazy..n no time..=( coz nw working P1W1MAX haiz....sienz lurhh...nw nw sell till 15++ goin 20 ni..T_T...salary sure less nvm hahaX..i can say all my salary i also spended on me n my BaByRou..hahaX...xPP..hhmmm...skip~...

haiz...many days ad larh..i also din come write my blog...also gt bad news also gt good news..hhaX...>< let u al noe my good new 1st lurhh...gahahaX...hmm...miracle ting at dono wat day ad larh..i fgt jor sry..><..i bcome a top seller at my team i 1 day i can sell 5 modem out..hahaX..comfirm hapi 3 RM49 gt 2 RM99 cheap~T_T..xP..hahaX..other than tat wen christmas dat time i also went 2 countdown dat day was so hapY..coz dat day play wit my kai mui they spraY..yeeeeeeeeeeee....most fish de ting is giv a indian little boy spray me..TT..hahaX...nt yt till 12.00am my whole shirt was wet d..hahaX...nehhh my dat noty kai mui bad de...always spray me n her fren also come spray me..TT..hahahaX..stil gt many funy ting larh..haha..come ask me luu..if wan noe more wen i at countdown..xPP..

hmmm...28/12/2009..hahahahX..the most happier go play wit sunway lagoon...v have 10 ppl,dai9,ah seng,kin fei,ya lun,t.yew,ah bi,ah mou,ah ken,n G piew lurhh..hahaX..when v reach at pyramid v go eat 1st at ming bout 10.00am++ hahaX..hmmm...skip~ after eat v also go 2 lagoon thr play lurhhh....WAAAAaaAa wen reach v tot monday no ppl de but 60++ ppl at thr lining up..==''' me also teman d9 go buy ticket daO~~!!! nvm v wan buy 3 park de ticket wan but NO MORE~!!W T~~!!!den nvm lorhh..v play 2 park ni..TT..sien lurhh...hahaX..skip~~wen go in dat time v also go find locker lurhh...find here find thr leg also lazy walk ad lorhh...finally go put at upstair de locker lurhh...sienz...T_T..hahaX...after pt our shirt n all ting 2 locker dat time....v also nvr wear shirt go play lurh...coz wan play wet mah...hahaX...den v also play dao sot d many dry park din giv us play W T~!!! he say coz u all nvr wear shirt..TT...hahahaX...Skip Skip SKip~!!!!...den nvm lorhh...b4 v go back v also go play dry de thr most extreme n good 2 play de is dat pirate boat lurhh...turn 360º ad 2 syok lerhhh...><...Skip SkiP sKip~~den at 5-6 like dat all also so hungry ad..T_T..dat time many ppl also dono wanna go eat wad...den tink ad 10-15mins last tink dao lerhh...go eat YUEN steamboat buffet lurhh....hahahaX...den v also go thr lluurhhh...hungry dao~!!..hahahaX..waaaaaaa.....thr de hor dat chicken wing so nice d loRHHH...dat 50++chicken wings come out ni 25-30seconds no more~!!WAT THE ~!!!!!!! at thr all also use QIANG 2 eat de...muahahahaha....damd many ppl lurhhh,.,.eat till 9++pm den all also bao bao ad..den Skip Skip Skip~~!!!hahahaX..

Stil gt many ting more larhh...hahah....write bu wan..xPPP...tat badnews next time ni say ba....nw gtg jor...hahahaX...sory orhhh..guys n gurls...xPP...hmmmmmmm...i tink dats all 4 2day larhhh..hahaX...muackx i loVE u~!!>< miss u~

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


MySpace Playlist at

Sunday, November 15, 2009 lasT~!!!! long din't write my blog sorry ya~!!! last...!!!! last i can feel back the happiness n the joyful in my life~!!!..

i very thx 2 baby rou dat she reli make my life gt back dat happiness n joyful in my life..haahaaX..i already don hav dis kind of happiness actually bt at last...she reli help me up....she reli make my tears out...n i dono y my tears r so easilly drop..>.<...skip skip skip~!!!xPPP...heheX...

hmm...when i 1st time saw my baby rou is at 13/11 dat day...i'm reli hapi dat i can saw her...coz...dono y wen i saw her my heart will feel different from anyone dat i v doin out is on 15/11's reli so hapi...dat hapi is i never feel b4...hmmm...wen i was walking i ask my self did i gt scare her cox my hair is like my heart automatically say no~!dono y...>.<..hahahaX..wen v at cinema dat time hahahax...she giv me force her 2 eat dat popcorn~!!! bad orh..xPP...waaaaa.....n 2day go play skating charm lorh..T_T...drop down 1 time..damn fish weihh`~!hahaX..waaa...drop til nw my back bengkak ad pain...nw walk also gt problem argh...hahahaX....skip skip skip...lazy write so much nerh..xPP...hahaX...anywhr thx baby rou~!!n dear dear will <3 u forever don fgt orh..xPP...

and to kae shing:...hmmm....anything did i do wrong sorry~!!...anywhr thx 4 being ya~!!^^

Monday, October 19, 2009

dis is 2 kae shing~~

kae shing i noe u now very hate me...i also dono wat hapen just tel u here now i hav find a new bestfren..~bt anyway...nvm i reli wanted 2 thk you u bcoz u is the 1st gf in my life so i wil never ever fgt bout it~~..i just hope dat kae shing u wil find a more gud more handsome den me de my heart wil go in more pure in more happier n more i did 2 u is i just wanted u 2 b happy..don ever wan 2 c in sadness~~n tel u i miss u~~..!!^^..n thx 4 teaching me hw 2 bcome a more gud bf in here..wit u say reli i have learn many ting...loving,caring,patient,n many many more..~~thx 4 being in my life Sing Kae Shing..~~n if i gt hurt u o wat do wat ever u don like sorrY~~!!..i'm 2 renew my lifE~~n hope dat v stil can b back a bestfren..can b it??

hahax..stil gt many 2 write de if i wan write anyway~~dis is 4 u(kae shing) hope u wil read it~~..


haiz..hahaX...anyway I have think properly wat i shoud do not not i have renew my mind orh,...hahaX..anyway....last time i have wrote is my past in dis anyway i cant tink so many ting coz now my head is so crazy~~!!..hahaX...i think tats al 4 2day 1st....sry ya if i din write many~~..xPP..muax~!i LovE u babY rOu..xPPP...n i miss u orh~~..xPPP

Thursday, October 8, 2009


haiz....goin 2 work d less on9 d at dis few month.......argggggggggggghhhhhh~!!!!!!dono y head always also tink bout her...i reli wan her 2 noe dat i m reli reli love her but hw.............i sms her she din reply i wana col her but i scare she wil angry at can me me waat 2 do~~~!!plzzz..............i reli nid her........n i very miss her.......KAE SHING i reli veri MISS u arghHHH~~~!!!!!plz giv me a chance 2 love u back can..???i reli plz u...even noe i kneel down at ur face....i just wan u 2 b mine....i reli dowan c u go in a wrong ways.....i noe u reli wan 2 reply my msg but at ur heart thr say cant...~!!!....ryte?? plz tel me...i reli wana chat wit u....i don wanna drop a fren like u my dear...would u rmb last time...???if i did wrong reli sory......

haiz...every night i wil pray n ask GOD y u wan me go in this hard way..???but GOD he din't answer my ques.....hw i wan 2 do....T_T...every time went i slip i also wil hug wit my present from my precious dear d is dat DOMO~(monster)....everytime i like a stupid ppl say 2 dat domo dat...y Kae Shing wan threat me like dat did i do anything wrong...???haiz...kae shing even noe i m not at u.....u must rmb gt 1 ppl stil love u til 4ever de is ME~!!(Jackson Kwan)~~~~!!!...n u wil not b alone....u noe dat...??? mood 2 wirte go on coz i m T_T-ing~!!!sry ya..~!!...

Monday, September 21, 2009


haiz.....................until now i also dono wat hapen 2 me n i also doono wat did i u al here i have go in many wrong ways now....T_T...i reli cant undestand y i wil bcome like dis.....n just wanted 2 tel u al dat i ad done many wrong ting in my life in my future n in my mood 2 write many thing in crying~!T_T....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

haiz...19/9 long i din come update my blog liao....anyway sry~!!!!!

coz my mood is so so so so bad~!!!!!from august holiday til now..~!!!!!
my heart reli reli broked up~!!!coz at my life i onli wan is 3 tings ~!!!!!hu noe..???

1:My GOD~!!!
2:Is mY Kae ShiNg~!!!!
3:iS My FamIlY~!!!!

i was very very sad bcoz....from dat day onwards my kae shing has change alot from his lifE....from i noe heer til nw she is not like dat wan...but dono y sunddenlly~!!! my heart is reli hard 2 'mian dui' tmr~!!!! my heart go whr also wil tink bout kae shing argGhghghHh.....haiz............KAE SHING I JUST WANT U 2 NOE DAT I M STIL LOVE U~!!!!!DON LEAVE ME ALONE I WIL VERY VERY i m TIRED of crying in al my days..~!!!!!even noe i went 2 genting 4 few time but i noe dat u al wil think me at thr is very very hapi n enjoy~!!! but tel u al here IS NO~!!!coz every ting dat i play i wil also wil think bout heart now is very very 'dan xin' my kae shing coz i reli dowan her go in a wrong ways i reli wan her 2 noe dat wat is good n wat is bad u al here every day went i at my bed o whr tears are dropping til cant stop..~!!!even noe went i pass by usj8 my tears wil also automatically drop..~!!! i tel my self dat don so stupid but i also dono wat hapen 2 me.....haiz...i have no mood 2 wirte so many thing coz i'm T_T-ing...ssry~!!! i just wan 2 say is I LOVE U MY SING KAE SHING~!!!!!N I MISS U SO MUCH~!!!T_T

i reli wanna tel her dat is.~~!! if no reason n u cant say it face 2 face...i wont threat this ting is TRUE~!!u noe dat..?? dis ting i reli wanna tel her but i dono went i can c her n we can talk in 1 by 1..~!!i reli nid 2 noe the truth...wat hapen u bcome like dis n y u sunddenlly chg alot..~!! haiz...i was reli reli hard 2 face 2mr n 4ever.~!!!T_T...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


haizzzz.....2day dono wat hapen...hao ren mei you hao bao arrrr.......2day i just receive a msg from my jb fren dat tel me dat my kshing giv ppl buli n giv ppl kacau at phone~....haiz....i just wanted 2 noe da truth bt she dwn tel hw i do..zzz wat i nid 2 do..~~~haih...i just col me fren help me 2 c him don giv him do just nw went i tel her i wil col my fren n jaga him...den she angry dao..~~~~coz i have no other hw 2 help u up~~coz i am at k.l not at j.b so i cant do anything...just nw went i col her she just say lie 2 me,..~~after i close my pH~~~few second~~my tears drop~automatically~~i say 2 my self i just wanted 2 help u bt y u angry 2 me..~~haih...i have no other ways onli i like dat told u..~i tel my self if i have other ways i sure tel u earlier~~she tel me dat,~~did u mean i with da boy~~??~~den i said not dat mean....i onli wana 2 help u 2 make u more hapi~~den few minutes she reply dat~~~i dwn sms u anymore!~~~den my eyes automatically agn~~hw just tel my bro tat i dowan sms d..~~u take it back...~~i don wan sms d~~dat time i was T_T-ing~~my bro ask wat hapen i say ntg~~he always ask...i just wat can i do is..~~i just take my frenster song 2 cover my tears..~!!T_T~~tel u here..~~i so hard ni can borrow da phone from my bro d..~~so i wil less sms her..~~tel u here went i borrow phone also quarrel come d..~~~so everyday i sms her also will b at nite~~haih..~~i think dats al..coz no mood 2 write so much d...~~sry~~


WOW~~~!!!HAHAX..i ad so many days din play my blog~~hahaX...
just back from camp 1 day nia~~hahaX...em....i just wan 2 say wen i at camp i did...hahahaX....veli disgusting dao dis camp i wan cry liao~~~coz i now my hand is bengkak d argHgh....n my leg is bleeding arGhhh.......hahax,,,,hard 2 explain y i like dat reli so funny o.0..nw bao zhe shou bao zhe jiao arGhghGhgHGH~~~~u tat camp thr is veli hapi din go he reli very hou hui ar,'s very pain thr pain now also dono wan hw argHhhH..~~haih...hahaX....1 day n 1day past is faster..yyYYyyyyy?????...em....i think i just end here baaa......hahaX....2many funy thing dwn tel u...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


hahahaX...2day at clax slip whole day also..zzzZzzZZ==...hahaX...2day em....don have may special thing dat in wan write...i just wanted 2 write is...2mr is my DEAR birthday arGgGhhhHhhHh............hahax...veli hapi but..also very sad bout it..coz haih............i wanna celebrate wit her but cant she is at 2 far away from me..T_T...hw nerh...T_T??????haih.....nw i reli reli reli reli wan 2 contact 2 her n say happy birthday arGhGhHHH...but hw....T_T~~~~very sad bout it arGgh~~~T_T~~haih~~~2day whole day think bout her~~T_T~~dono y...zzzzz...haiz...hahaX..
but's ok 4 me..^^...i 2day wanna drop a msg dat is...2 my dear..~!!


i think dat's all 4 2day~~^^~~welcomE~!!! (actually she birtday is on 2mr..hahax..)

Monday, August 17, 2009


waaaaaaaaaaaaa......~~~~~~~haizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........~~~~~~~~~i am waiting her on9 ar 4 so many days d.....but stil not yt on arhgGHhHHhHH~~~~~~~everyday wait her wait like a dog waiting the dog~~??hahaX..everytime went i on9 also i am reali waiting 4 her...everytime went i open my msn 1st is check his name c weather gt on last til now also no..T_T..haih......zzzzzzzzz......wat 2 do somemore i have no phone i wana contact her now ar....but is impposible..~~haih...T_T


hahaX..2day go cut my stupid hair~~~walao..i better reli don go cut lo..cut till nw like shit man~~i wan 2 go back wit my last time d hair...zzzzT_T~~i stil nid wait 4 2 more month like dat onli i can get back my last time dat sad i think like i not like 2 go out d lor..zzzT_T...coz go out d no face 2 c ppl ar....ARGHhhHHHhhh~~~~now reali reali very ugly arghHhh~~~hw 2 go out leh...~~???.........hahaX.....

2day go 2 swiming after i go cut my dat stupid court 10~~hahaX...2 free ntg 2 do...zzzzT_T...haaX...i ben lai wan go back slip my fren col dao me go out swim i mai go teman them luu..~~~^^, now gt a bit tireD..>.<...hw leh...wan go back slip de..but haih....nid wait my dear on9..>.<~~hahaX...anyway nvm^^..

Sunday, August 16, 2009


i din blog for 2 day d..
hahaX..coz dono wat 2 write~
waaaaaaaaaaaaa..............2day i am very happy but very xin tong coz my bout RM90++ have gone~~but nvm~~^^
hahaX..bcoz of my dear just tel u here i am very happy coz i buy dis thing is a present 4 my dear....hahaX...i din buy thing b4 2 anyone~if i buy i also nomally buy dat ting cost bout RM20++ dis is my 1st time buy present dat cost RM90++ 2 my dear~~^^~~

hahaX..bout my ytd at church~~i have learn 1 thing dat is about chocolate~hahaX..~~many ppl dono bout it~hahaX..~~is~~u al noe chocolate can solve our stress???hahahaX..dis thing i also just learn from ytd dat sister jascinta tel us went u stress pls eat more chocolate u al noe~~hahahaX..but eat 2 much also not gud coz it wil have high colestro(dono hw 2 write...Paiseh~)n it wil gt sugar peace(direct translate)hahahahaX...~~u noe..???hahahaX...em.......dono wat 2 decripe some more la..zzzzz....haha sry~em....i think thats al 4 2day~~welcome~~^^

Friday, August 14, 2009


hahaX..2day went i went 2 skul i feel very funny~~coz many ppl din come 2 skul just onli a little bit ppl~hahaX...~~2day at clax slip the whole day~~wakakaX...~~went i finish skul i was at opposite skul 2 yam cha wit frens~~after yam cha den i also go find fren chat chat~~wen i go find fren chat chat~~sunddenlly chat till 1 period~~i noe joey gan wan 2 tel me something but i din go care bout her..~den she was jia jia tell Ken dat my dear mayb till next year also nt coming back~~T_T~~at dat time i was so sad n feel like wan slap her~~but i cant do it...~~wen she say dat i was very very sad~dat time i heard dis i gotta cry~~coz i at thr think...y she many sad thing also tell her dwn wanna tell me bout it~~T_T~~went i ask her she gt wat thing din't tell me~~den she will say ntg ntg ntg~~wat 2 do..~T_T~~haizz....till now i was thinking bout her..~~haiz...~~~i was very very MISS her~~dono wat 2 do..~~haih~~now i wanna go call her but i now have no phone~~n i wanna sms her 2 ask bout her~T_T~but canT~~~!!!!i havE no PhonE aRrggHHhh~~~!!haih...i onli can type at here dat iS 'I VeRy vErY MiSs U mY dEaR'~~>.<..

Thursday, August 13, 2009


haiz...........dono y dis few days gt something make me so 'FAN'...i dono wat is it..~~it make me very very faint n headict~~every morning wen i wake up i feel like very faint...dono wat happen~~1 thing dat i noe i was very headict bout it is about my dear birthday coming~~n headict bout the financial prob~~arGGhhHHHhhhH~~~~

hahaX...many ting 2 descripe somemore~~
lazy 2 write d~~xP

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


this is my 1st time play blog any one can teach me wat 2 write mah..??