Thursday, April 22, 2010


haiz...lao po...i now reli reli hen fann..T_T..dono wat happen....haiz...tell u true at here la..i ad do my last decision is....2 work..coz my family nid use some money...n nw i ad no go skul bout 3 week lerh..T_T..wo zen de hen pa..hen pa...coz i scare reli will lost u lerh..lao po aa....u also noe dis few day i like other ppl ryte.?coz i now reli hen fan n hen pa hen pa....i noe u so love me...but ur family are not..coz i'm not a gud guy in here~...i noe u so so so love me...if ur parents not like me i also a not use person...T_T...i noe they will say i'm not a gud boy coz gt school also dwn go..stil wan come out workk..haiz...lao po aaa....i now reli hen fan n hen pa arggg..T_T..dis few days tell u true la..i onli slip few hours..T_T..coz my brain always tink hw hw hw hw..T_T....nw my panda eye grow more big d..T_T..i next week jiu qu training lerh...bout 1week...haiz...i reli dono wat 2 do now..zen de hen white hair also come a few d..i so i so tired errr.....lao po er...i reli dwn lost u...coz last time u told me b4...ur bro not so like ppl hu no study de....i so scare...i noe ur parents also de..u love me bt they i noe they will reject us..T_T...i reli so scare er...T_T..haiz...HoPe dat dis SATURDAY o SUNDAY can C u larh..coz next time v reli so hard 2 c each other off day is just 1 month 2 days...haiz...i also hope dat u don always go out o anywhr la...coz gt anything i not thr i reli so worry...i reli so worry bout u aaaa bao bei...y wen u say u wan go gai gai wit ur fren o wat i will bu shuang mah...??coz i reli so worry bout u...i dwn u in any trouble...i just want 2 noe...if ur parents not let us 2gether hw..??i noe i'm reli goin crazy n will die soo...u i dono..?T_T...haiz...i now also dono wat can i write i gt so many thing write bt i write bu chu lai...hen xiang T_T...everyday i at my bed my tears will drop de..haiz....

Monday, April 12, 2010


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono..n i reli reli mei you yong...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO BEI LAO PO ELISE CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER~~!!...MUACKS~!!..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..tell u true la...everytime wen my phone goin exp o goin no hearts wil so FAN n pain..coz...many time i have used my eat de money 2 reload coz wo jue de hen you yong dui wo lai shuo..even noe i no money 2 eat bt nvm..i go back sometime dinner eat maggi..T_T..o sometimes i wait until my mum back onli i eat..i have many time also like nvm is zhi de..wei le ni wo she me dou neng zuo...MUACKS~!!


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO CEI LAO PO CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER...MUACKS..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..


haiz...bao bei arrrr....dui bu qi coz maked u u la..nw is 13/4/2010 time is 3.30am i also not yt slip coz wen i saw ur blog i reli reli T_T out elrh..nw also T_T ing...i;m very very sory bout it..bcoz dat time i reli cant find any1 2 teman me 2 chat ad..T_T..bao bei aaa...i reli reli love u de..pls blive n shi wei..tell u true v are not so close only bt i reli dono y...T_T...i 2day ben lai wan come n find u u say ytd has go 2 p.yee hse so u cnt out..even noe i'm at snker mood is ad chg...n my heart reli reli miss u..i 2day reli wana c u say cnt my heart reli reli so pain dat's y i so bu u true la..y i wan 2 find work 2 bcoz of u n my family..if no money i noe i also wont gt my dis precious lao ppl said no money no honey..i blive..coz wen come out dat time v will play until more happy n happy...many ppl though i'm rich bt i'm not..i onli save n save dat money 4 u 2 use..u no seem everytime wen i come out wit u gt money..??haiz...everyday wen i slip i also nvr slip well...coz i only thinking of u...i reli reli scare u have gone 1day..T_T..i told my self ntg de hearts gt 1 feel dat is my lovely 1 will giv ppl take 1 have 2-3 weeks like dat din go skul agn..coz i'm so tired..everyday ialso cnt slip well..i now reli dono wan go in which way..?? wan come out work.?o study .?..haiz...i feel dispointed wit my ownself...y did i so crazy..? n so stupid..T_T..wad also dono...i everyday wan v 2gether hw..???...i reli tired i cnt slip..everyday i also bout dis time onli i slip coz..i lag of brain onlii thinking of u..just wanted tel i wan 2 do is about u..i dono wat u r thinking now..i'm sad n T_T pls noe more n clearly bout me..i dwn u dam dai me dwn choi me n anything bad thing else..i reli very disapoint wit my self...i feel i so bad n everytime make u hurt 4 a long time..SRY BAO CEI LAO PO CHAN HUI YING...muacks muacks I LOVE U 4EVER N EVER...MUACKS..i so miss u now..can have a time come out wit me.??..i reli nid u la..y i always wan ur family noe u r cpl ing..coz 1st i dont wan us is a liar cpl u noe..??..n wen ur mum n dad also noe v cpl ing bt v r lie ing..u noe hw is the effect..i v cant 2gehter n b fren anymore..i reli so sad bout dis everytime y i kip say col u 2 ask ur mum n dad n ur elder bro dis n bcoz i dwn u everytime out also nid a lie 2 come out wit me..tell u true la..u everytime use lie 2 come out my heart feel pain u noe..??..everytime wen i out wit u i gt 1 feel ing is...i dono hw 2 explain it..T_T..lao po er i reli so scare miss u n loss u er..T_T..