Monday, October 19, 2009

dis is 2 kae shing~~

kae shing i noe u now very hate me...i also dono wat hapen just tel u here now i hav find a new bestfren..~bt anyway...nvm i reli wanted 2 thk you u bcoz u is the 1st gf in my life so i wil never ever fgt bout it~~..i just hope dat kae shing u wil find a more gud more handsome den me de my heart wil go in more pure in more happier n more i did 2 u is i just wanted u 2 b happy..don ever wan 2 c in sadness~~n tel u i miss u~~..!!^^..n thx 4 teaching me hw 2 bcome a more gud bf in here..wit u say reli i have learn many ting...loving,caring,patient,n many many more..~~thx 4 being in my life Sing Kae Shing..~~n if i gt hurt u o wat do wat ever u don like sorrY~~!!..i'm 2 renew my lifE~~n hope dat v stil can b back a bestfren..can b it??

hahax..stil gt many 2 write de if i wan write anyway~~dis is 4 u(kae shing) hope u wil read it~~..


haiz..hahaX...anyway I have think properly wat i shoud do not not i have renew my mind orh,...hahaX..anyway....last time i have wrote is my past in dis anyway i cant tink so many ting coz now my head is so crazy~~!!..hahaX...i think tats al 4 2day 1st....sry ya if i din write many~~..xPP..muax~!i LovE u babY rOu..xPPP...n i miss u orh~~..xPPP

Thursday, October 8, 2009


haiz....goin 2 work d less on9 d at dis few month.......argggggggggggghhhhhh~!!!!!!dono y head always also tink bout her...i reli wan her 2 noe dat i m reli reli love her but hw.............i sms her she din reply i wana col her but i scare she wil angry at can me me waat 2 do~~~!!plzzz..............i reli nid her........n i very miss her.......KAE SHING i reli veri MISS u arghHHH~~~!!!!!plz giv me a chance 2 love u back can..???i reli plz u...even noe i kneel down at ur face....i just wan u 2 b mine....i reli dowan c u go in a wrong ways.....i noe u reli wan 2 reply my msg but at ur heart thr say cant...~!!!....ryte?? plz tel me...i reli wana chat wit u....i don wanna drop a fren like u my dear...would u rmb last time...???if i did wrong reli sory......

haiz...every night i wil pray n ask GOD y u wan me go in this hard way..???but GOD he din't answer my ques.....hw i wan 2 do....T_T...every time went i slip i also wil hug wit my present from my precious dear d is dat DOMO~(monster)....everytime i like a stupid ppl say 2 dat domo dat...y Kae Shing wan threat me like dat did i do anything wrong...???haiz...kae shing even noe i m not at u.....u must rmb gt 1 ppl stil love u til 4ever de is ME~!!(Jackson Kwan)~~~~!!!...n u wil not b alone....u noe dat...??? mood 2 wirte go on coz i m T_T-ing~!!!sry ya..~!!...